Educators implement effective planning, instruction, assessment and reporting practices to create respectful, inclusive environments for student learning and development.

During my EDUC 491 practicum I had the incredible opportunity to participate in effective planning and implementation of the BC Curriculum.

Throughout EDUC 391, EDUC 490 and the first week of EDUC 491 (plus formally observed lessons) I was able to create in-depth and detailed lesson plans to help implement curriculum into daily lessons. As well, during my EDCU 491 I was able to really dive deep into the curriculum and plan out full units for my whole practicum. For more information on lesson plans and unit plans, please see my “Unit/Lesson Plans” section of my e-portfolio.

I was also able to develop my own daybook in which I completed for every single day of practicum once the full time lesson planning stages were finished. I have attached an example of one of my daybooks here:

March 8, 2021

I used a variety of instructional methods while in my practicum. I worked on scaffolding, verbalizing my own thought process, reading a lot of stories despite whether or not we were focusing on an ELA lesson, group work, think-pair-share, etc.

For assessment and reporting, please refer to the “Assessment for Learning” section in my e-portfolio.