My Influential Teacher

The most influential teacher in my life has definitely been Terry Tisdale. While completing my pre requisites for the Education Program at the University of Northern British Columbia, I decided to take the education courses that were offered outside of the program (EDUC 101 and EDUC 201). Both of these courses were taught by the incredible Terry Tisdale. The very first day of class she began talking about the importance of educators who really cared for their students well being and overall learning. This really spoke to me because it was never the experience that I had while attending grades K through 12. When I first stepped foot in that class, I honestly had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, I was still trying to figure out the dreaded “what should I be when I grow up?”. However, after hearing the passion in the way Terry spoke about teaching and the difference that teachers can make in children’s lives, it got me hooked. I felt this feeling in my heart that this is the place I was meant to be. Although the courses were introductory and did not dive overly deep into education, I feel like I learned so much from her. She continued to inspire me and just by the way she spoke about her own students I could tell that she was amazing at her job. I wanted to be just like her, someone with overflowing love for her students and passion for learning. Her and her class is the reason the I applied for this program and the reason that I think about education the way I do today. She taught me so much about education, as well as who I am as an educator. I feel so blessed that I had the opportunity to be taught by her.

My Teaching Metaphor

The item that I chose to represent my teaching metaphor is my coffee plant. I chose this plant specifically because I have found it to be the plant I spend my time caring for the most. Like this plant, children need to be loved, cared for and nurtured so that they can grow into the person they are meant to be. Although every now and then some of the leaves from my plant wilt or turn brown, a little pruning helps the growing process so that it can fully thrive! As a teacher, I also need to “prune” my students so that they can reach their fullest potential and have success in their learning journey
